Biotechnologist have isolated a protein that mega-boosts your ability to remember what you see. The finding may one day give humans a near-PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY. A group of Spanish Biotechnologists reported that they may have stumbled upon a substance that could become the ultimate memory-enhancer. The group was studying a poorly understood region of the visual cortex. They found that if they boosted production of a protein called RGS-14 in that area of the visual cortex in mice, it dramatically affected the animals’ ability to remember objects they had seen.
Mice with the RGS-14 boost could remember objects they had seen for up to two months. Ordinarily the same mice would only be able to remember these objects for about an hour. The researches concluded that this region of the visual cortex known as layer six of region V-2 is responsible for creating visual memories. When the region was removed by means of injection of a selective cytotoxin, mice could no longer remember any objects they see.
If this protein boosts visual memory in humans, the implications are staggering. The researchers say that it could be used as a memory enhancer-which seems like an understatement. Since this protein works on visual memory, it could be used in applications such as mapping. It would also be useful for Engineers and Architects who need to hold a lot of visual images in their minds at once and it would also be a great drug for detectives and spies. This may merely develop a Photographic Memory if implemented in future.
Having a Partner Cuts DEMENTIA Risk
People who live alone in the middle age face nearly double the risk of developing dementia in later life compared with married or cohabiting counterparts, according to a new study.
This Photographic Memory suggested that having a partner offers protection against Mental Decline in later life. The Biotechnologists have found that people who live alone in middle age and are widowed or divorced were three times more likely to develop dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.
Dementia means apart genetive mind. The main symptom of Dementia is Memory Loss. Dementia affected persons will find difficulties even to read and write.